Endodontic Services

Root canal therapy, root canal retreats, root retained post


Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that replaces a tooth's damaged or infected pulp with a filling. The pulp consists of specialized dental cells, blood vessels, tissue fibres and some nerve fibres located in the hollow space in the central part of the tooth. The procedure is also known as endodontic treatment.

Success rates for endodontic treatment are generally good. About 90 to 95 per cent of patients who undergo root canal treatment can expect a functional tooth after the treatment. The treated tooth should last a very long time, provided that you maintain good oral hygiene and generally look after your teeth. Of course, no therapy or replacement will last as well as a healthy tooth.


Symptoms of tooth pulp damage or disease

A diseased tooth pulp may cause inflammation or infection. The symptoms of a damaged or diseased tooth pulp may include:

  •     Unprovoked or spontaneous pain
  •     Sensitivity to hot and cold drinks and foods
  •     Pain when biting or chewing
  •     Loosening of the tooth
  •     Swelling of the gum near the affected tooth
  •     Oozing of pus surrounding the affected tooth
  •     Facial swelling.


Sometimes, tooth pulp may become damaged or diseased without presenting any symptoms. In these cases, the problem is usually diagnosed by special tests or x-rays during a dental check-up or treatment for other dental concerns.



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