Prosthodontic Services
Full dentures, partial dentures, implant retained dentures, temporary dentures, retainers
Dentures are made out of a plastic base that supports fabricated teeth. It's shaded to match your gum tissue, and the teeth are usually made of porcelain or plastic. Dentures are custom made to match the structure and form of each individual person's mouth so they help maintain the look and structural integrity of the person's face. Dentures are made in a lab, molded and shaped to exact proportions based on your dentist's prescription and custom impressions of your mouth. As teeth are lost, so is jaw and facial structure. Dentures fill the gaps created by lost teeth, and also help the facial and jaw muscles continue to work in the fashion they are supposed to. So you can eat properly, speak properly, and feel less pain when doing both.
A partial denture is just that: a denture that covers only part of your mouth. It’s held in your mouth with clasps that grab onto remaining natural teeth. Partials are usually recommended when one or more of your natural, healthy teeth are still in the mouth. We try to keep as many teeth as possible in your mouth, because the more natural teeth, the greater the integrity of your jawbone. Existing teeth help retain bone in the jaw, help support and secure the partial denture, and help the entire mouth feel more comfortable when chewing or talking. Like complete dentures, partial dentures take a little getting used to, but should fit in your mouth securely and comfortable. Both complete and partial dentures are removable and should be treated with care. They should be cleaned daily and adjusted only by your dentist
Implant retained dentures are specialist dentures which are supported by 2 or 4 dental implants placed in the jaw. This technology transforms the humble denture from a loose, food catching, lump to a slim, snug fitting and firmly attached set of teeth that you can eat anything with and never fear of them slipping out.
A gum coloured base made of plastic resin forms the full or partial dentures. These fit over the alveolar bone ridge, which formerly held the teeth. The design of prosthetic teeth which project from the base is such that they look and function just like natural teeth. The suctioning effect of their close fit against the alveolar ridges is the primary reason that Dentures stay held in place- that is why it is extremely important to fit them properly. Extra support from the large surface area of the roof of mouth also makes the upper denture more stable.
Wearing dentures requires some getting used to, at first, as it takes time for dentures to balance in the space occupied by natural teeth before. However, with time, the muscles in the mouth settle to work in a new way enabling normal functioning. Dentures also provide support to the facial muscles and soft tissues of the lips and cheek, enhancing the facial appearance.
A retainer is a piece of plastic and metal that is custom-made for each individual kid who needs one. It fits the top of the teeth and mouth. No two retainers are alike, even though many look similar. You might need a retainer for a few reasons. The most common reason is to help your teeth stay set in their new positions after wearing braces. It's important to wear your retainer because as your body grows, your teeth do some shifting. The retainer helps to control this shifting, which occurs naturally.
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